Der passende Versicherung für den Praxisausfall
Icon für die Ärzteversicherung der assekuranz ag Practice interruption insurance

Practice interruption insurance

You do not need to be a financial wizard to get a rough idea of the financial consequences if you are unable to work due to illness or an accident: salaries, rent, leasing instalments and interest still have to be paid.

Your cover:

This insurance covers your running costs in the event that a doctor is unable to work due to illness, an accident or quarantine.

Your insurance benefits:

  • We will provide compensation for your running costs such as wages and salaries, rent and leases, leasing instalments and interest, plus the contractual costs of a hospital stay lasting at least 48 hours (from the start of the stay) or outpatient treatment after a waiting period, which you can set at 14, 21 or 28 days
  • Optional cover to compensate you for loss of profits is available
  • Coverage is provided for up to 250 working days (approximately 1 year)